If treated right, our jewelry will last a lifetime

Tips for daily wearing

Here are a few things to keep in mind on a regular basis while wearing jewelry . 

TIP 1: Chlorine is gold’s worst enemy: with repeated exposure, it will weaken your gold jewelry’s structure. Make sure to take your jewelry off before getting in a pool or spa.

TIP 2: Gold is a soft metal: This makes is susceptible to dings, scratches, and dents. Be mindful of your gold rings. Take them off whenever you’re doing something that might damage your jewel

TIP 3: Take jewelry off before bathing: wearing jewelry while you bathe can lead to a buildup of soap which will cause a film on your jewelry.

TIP 4: Cover or remove while cleaning: household cleaners with acids or abrasives will damage your jewelry’s finish. ​

TIP 5: Put your jewelry on last when getting ready: makeup, perfume, hairspray, and lotions can damage your gold. 

Cleaning tips

When worn regularly, your gold jewelry is exposed to skin oils, perspiration, dust, makeup, and more. To keep its shine, you should clean your jewelry regularly with a solution of 10-parts warm water and 2-parts dish soap.​

TIP 1: Soaking is the key: you should soak your gold jewelry pieces for 3 hours and then scrub them gently with a very soft brush. Rinse under clean water and blot dry with a cloth.

Do not use a paper towel or tissue as these can scratch your jewelry. 

TIP 2: Clean with soap as needed: by all means, clean your jewelry at home; but, don’t overdo it! Only clean your jewelry as needed when it’s visibly dirty or gathering a patina.

TIP 3: Other jeweler-approved cleaners: rubbing alcohol is great for cleaning and sanitizing, but stay away from bleach!

TIP 4: Look out for damage: during your regular jewelry cleanings, be on the lookout for any damage or loose stones. Cleaning damaged pieces can only make the problem worse.​

Even with the best care, we recommend having your jewelry professionally cleaned every year and checked for loose prongs and damage. If you want to have your jewellery professionally cleaned, send us an e-mail (contact@codeville-antwerp.com) to discover more about this service